Excellent Persuasive Essay Topics On Education: 25 Fresh Ideas

Education impacts everyone, so everyone has an opinion on it. It is also one of the biggest professions for experimentation. School classrooms are actually active cases studies every day. The topic of education makes for a great persuasive style essay.

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25 Fresh Ideas

  1. Are Ipad schools effective or not
  2. Do pads book cause reading skill levels to decrease or increase
  3. Are Common Cores necessary
  4. Who should determine standards for students-should they be the same for all children
  5. Do businesses have any place in the education decision process
  6. Why are Finland and Denmark’s schools better
  7. The arts must be kept in schools or should other non-academic classes be kept in the schools
  8. How soon should children begin to read and why
  9. What happened to the idea of year long schools
  10. Why No Child Left Behind did not work
  11. Why standardized testing should be eliminated
  12. Why everyone is not supposed to attend college and why society needs to recognize this
  13. Why teachers should be made more and appreciated more
  14. What tools should be used for teacher recertification and why
  15. Why a year between high school and college is important to the learning process
  16. Why community service should be a requirement for high school graduations
  17. Should colleges eliminate the SAT and ACT scores for admission
  18. Should technology run curriculum or should curriculum steer technology
  19. What should be the consequences of academic cheating
  20. Which would be a better tool for technology in the classroom-the Ipad, laptop, or something else
  21. How effective are etextbooks
  22. Is the purchasing of professionally written papers cheating
  23. Why all students should be required to belong to a club that gives back to the community, school, city, state, country, or world
  24. Why middle school or junior high schools students should not be allowed at the same facility as high school students
  25. Should school security guards be armed in an order to cut down on school shootings and killings

As you are assigned a topic for your persuasive paper that has to do with education, consider using one of our 25 innovative and fresh topics. Make sure you use an outline, have a strong thesis statement, spell all words correctly, check for grammar errors, and then write your best work.