American History Essay Topics: Receiving Assistance from Experts

American history is fantastic. It’s the birth of a new nation, the rise of a peoples, the dawn of the modern western world. If you’re struggling to pick your essay topics, however, sit back and relax because we’ve got you covered. Here’s what our expert panel came up with for great history topics:

  • The Natives:  from Rags to Ruins
  • Pilgrims and Privilege
  • The Goldrush: Funding an Empire
  • Passive Expansionism; America and World War One
  • A House and a Picket Fence: The Creation of the Middle Class
  • The Natives: from Rags to Ruins
  • Before America was the fifty states we know today it belonged to a potted selection of local natives. These natives were not one tribe, in fact there were quite a number of them. Some were large, like the Iroquois and the Mohicans; some were smaller and lesser known. A great history essay would look at the decimation and decline of the Natives, and how the early colonisers and US governments were to blame.

  • Pilgrims and Privilege
  • What is the link between religion and wealth? Why do the WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) control society, economy and politics, and how has that changed over time? Why were Catholics so looked down on, or was all of that just conspiracy an chance? How come select groups managed to buy and maintain large swathes of land, while others were condensed into the cities to labour till they died?

  • The Goldrush: Funding an Empire
  • The Goldrush was a great time of hope, optimism, and opportunity for the fledgling America. Show the link between the miners and the ever expanding territory of the USA. Look at the purchases of Alaska and then-Louisiana. How were the Natives treated in this barter of land and power? And what did America do with all that new wealth?

  • Passive Expansionism; America and World War One
  • Why on one hand was America so against intervening in one war while getting involved with others? The USA resolutely stayed out of WWI as long as it could, and yet is was invading the Pacific islands with gusto. How did this duality of expansionism and pacifism gel together, or did they? And what impact did the US have on the European war? So, with these ideas in mind, find the one that’s right for you and get writing it.