A list of 100 argumentative essay topics
Your argumentative essay topic possibilities are endless in a world of friction between opposing sides and completely different outlooks and schools of thought. However, just because the topics are different, the main similarity is almost always conflict rising from anger misunderstanding. Perennial topics like abortion, the death penalty, and immigration are a few of the more “popular” debates, for lack of a better term. More recent issues, brought on by the technology boom include information gathering, personal and financial privacy, and problems associated with identity theft. Here are a lot more, like 100.
- Marijuana legalization
- Growth hormones for cows
- Traditional family roles
- Changes in the workplace
- Our litigious society
- Government spending
- Sex slaves
- Human trafficking
- Animal poaching
- Human organs on the black market
- Arms dealers
- Euthanasia and ethics
- Alcoholism
- Gay rights
- Immigration
- The Recession
- Technology
- Polygamy
- Endangered animals
- Endangered rain forests
- Catholic church abuse
- Torturing POW’s
- Chemtrails
- Voting age
- Drinking age
- Fracking
- Video game violence
- Spread of Ebola
- Terrorism
- Muslim radicals
- Anchor children
- Texting
- Sexting
- Suicide
- Stem cell research
- Nuclear energy/weapons
- Poverty
- Natural disasters
- Destroying the environment
- Internet porn
- Worldwide hunger
- Animal rights
- Use of chemical weapons
- Use of biological weapons
- Alternative energies
- “Up-skirting”
- Cartel drug wars
- Voter fraud
- Overfishing our oceans
- What makes a superpower today?
- Is China America’s biggest threat?
- How dangerous is religion?
- Adoption
- Racial inequality
- Recent racial tensions
- Underpaid educators
- Overpaid athletes
- Dangers of Facebook
- Dangers of craigslist
- Obsession with fame
- Obsession with information
- Addictions
- Censoring speech/thought
- Mind control and the CIA
- Gun control
- Violence in schools
- Bullying
- Self-medicating
- Over-medicating
- Pharmaceutical companies influence
- Political campaigns
- Separation of church and state
- Cost of healthcare
- Cost of war
- Marriage as an institution
- Domestic violence
- Steroids
- Effects of concussions
- Amateurism
- Student-athletes
- What does being “successful” mean these days
- How and where we work
- The impact of the internet
- Russia’s involvement in Ukraine
- The Scottish Referendum
- Electric cars
- Popularity of reality shows
- Relevance of print media
- Cloning
- Transgender rights
- Autism
- Immunizations
- Whatever happened to rock music?
- Pandemics
- Social injustice
- The cost of college
- Extraterrestrial life forms
- How useless is the UN
- How useless is the WHO?
Now that we have a few topics that are relevant to the world we live in,here are a few points concerning the argumentative essay itself. Your essay shouldn’t be vague or too general., and that is a challenge for most of us. The fact that conflicts are no longer black-and-white but full of gray areas and many moving parts have made it easy to put together lists for essay topics, but the amount of information and opinions flooding your mind can make staying focused difficult. Be sure to allow yourself enough time to sort through the fact from fiction to aid you in organizing a complete, concise, and well-informed essay.Your professor-and the rest of the world-will be eternally grateful.