20 Excellent Persuasive Essay Topic Ideas To Consider

What does you teacher expect when he gives you instructions to write a persuasive essay? The expectation is that you will identify a topical issue, take a stand and convince the audience why your position is right or the best. You are supposed to persuade readers to buy your idea or point of view.

Like ever other paper, the topic determines whether your work will be captivating to read. It is the title that will make the reader curious enough to peruse beyond the title. Make your title fresh and interesting to read. Keep away from mundane topics where thousands of papers have been written on. Construct your title in a way that gives the reader an idea of what to expect in the following paragraphs.

Here is a list of great persuasive essay topic ideas that will help you write a captivating paper.

  1. Is social media creating a more social or isolated generation?
  2. With a sharp rise in college massacres, is it time to allow guns in campuses?
  3. Giving a trophy, recognition or certification to every member of the team demoralizes the high achievers.
  4. There is excessive dependence on technology to the detriment of human brain
  5. School days start too early for lower grades
  6. Increasing minimum wage would have a positive economic impact
  7. Elementary schools should reverse to teaching handwriting
  8. Childhood vaccination should be made optional
  9. Security cameras are becoming more of an intrusion on privacy than security addition
  10. Exotic pets should be banned because they are a threat to the keeper and the animal
  11. Work places with no uniform as a dress code should allow a relaxed code
  12. Juveniles who commit certain crimes should be sentenced as adults
  13. Corporate should cease advertising in schools
  14. Cities should provide free transportation to residents through public metros
  15. Professional contracts exploit the player
  16. Parents should have the discretion of allowing their minor children to get tattoos
  17. Should fracking be banned as a gas extraction method?
  18. The government should make college education free for everyone.
  19. College athletes should be paid for being in the school team
  20. Schools should ban the sale of junk foods within their premises

When selecting a topic for your persuasive essay, ensure that it is in your area of interest. Writing out of passion breeds insight which will improve the quality of your paper. Choose a topic that is relevant and current instead of going for mundane ideas.
